Retail Solutions

When applied to retail, the rapid delivery modular concept opens up enormous brand establishment potential in far-flung and undeveloped regions. For any retailer, building a capability for quick deployment in a logistically sustainable, cost effective manner is a very definite differentiator. The modular, cost effective and environmentally friendly attributes of this concept, further reinforce its advantages over other modes of retail space.

From a development perspective, reaching emerging markets has historically posed plenty of challenges: shortages of skilled labour, lack of services infrastructure, as well as expensive and/or unreliable energy resources, have all contributed to the lethargy in expansion in these areas. An uncertainty with regard to security of tenure has also proved to be a deterrent for development.

Ease of delivery is matched by quick disassembly when required. Not only does this semi-nomadic style of design allow for quick deployment, by extension it also allows for easy up-scaling and down-scaling as well as complete disassembly and removal.

Self-sustaining energy for lighting and electronic installations is supplied by way of solar installations, whether building specific or a separate array for enhanced capability. Where refrigeration and air-conditioning are required off the grid, tri-generation via micro-turbine systems are proposed where appropriate.

This single modular unit addresses the requirements of the small-scale informal trader. Larger configurations of this concept ranging from informal clusters to convenience stores are a logical culmination of the retail variant and are very much in the pipeline, moving forward. Such contributions to the retail sector will encourage economic growth at a grass root level and stimulate job creation.